Recommended Books
“The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-than-Human World “ by David Abram
“Becoming Animal: An Earthly Cosmology” by David Abram
“Animate Earth: Science, Intuition and Gaia “ by Stephen Harding
“The Song of the World” by Jean Giono
“Joy of Man’s Desiring” by Jean Giono
“Reindeer Moon” by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
“Wisdom of the Mythtellers” by Sean Kane
“The Tree of Meaning” by Robert Bringhurst
“The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property”
by Lewis Hyde
“Jayber Crow” by Wendell Berry
Recommended Films
Ten Canoes (directed by Rolf de Heer, with David Gulpilil): A dazzling glimpse into old aboriginal traditions and lifeways in northern Australia, and a beautiful illustration of the magic of storytelling
Princess Mononoke (directed by Hayao Miyazake)
An animated and animistic masterpiece by Hayao Miyazake, exploring the interdependence of magic and nature, and the revolt of the forest spirits against the spread of human technology.
Spirited Away (directed by Hayao Miyazake):
Another tour de force by Miyazake, drawing upon the old oral traditions of Japan yet set, this time, in the present historical moment. As suburban sprawl is encroaching on the last wild holdouts of the nature-spirits, a young girl gets caught between the worlds.
The New World (directed by Terence Malick)
A visually sumptuous and poetic exploration of some of the earliest contact between Native North American and European cultures, during the founding of Jamestown, Virginia, circa 1607.